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Summers are long and hot. Even though the people suffer from the scorching heat the people wait for the summers so that they can enjoy the taste of their favorite fruit - Mangoes. Summers gives the sign of mango season. Mango, the king of fruits is liked by people around the world.

The heaty summers provide the perfect climate for different varieties of mangoes to grow. We export mangoes to most of the countries. There are various types of mangoes available all over India, but the most famous among them are Alphonso Mango, Kesar Mango, Totapuri Mango, Dussehri Mango and many more. Let us look into a few popular varieties of mangoes that are available in India.

  • Alphonso Mangoes
  • Badami Mangoes
  • Baiganpalli Mangoes
  • Dussehri Mangoes
  • Kesar Mangoes
  • Malgova Mangoes
  • Mallika Mangoes
  • Raspuri Mangoes
  • Sindura Mangoes
  • Langra Mangoes
  • Totapuri Mangoes
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